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Health Sciences

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igh school students shadow an athletic training lab during Pete’s Immersion Camp at the OSU Center for Health Sciences
The Outreach team at OSU Center for Health Sciences works strategically to increase visibility, strengthen awareness of the institution and develop key partnerships with alumni, community and educational entities. Our outreach staff manages and executes K-12 outreach programming, alumni engagement, events and assists room reservations for the campus. 
Google recently announced a gift of $250,000 to OSU Center for Health Sciences and OSU College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. This award will support elementary, middle and high school outreach programs that spark an interest in STEM fields.

Attend One of Our Events

Operation Orange

Operation Orange

Attend our free, one-day mini-medical camps at three locations across the state.

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pathway to medicine students

Campus Tours and Class Presentations

Hear about what it means to be a student on our campus with class presentations and campus tours. You'll have the opportunity to visit both locations.

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