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Biological Safety Training

Educators need to be aware of the risks inherent in using biohazardous materials in the laboratory and must use best practices in applying biosafety practices to minimize the risk to students and the community. The following training is designed to encourage awareness of the risks and protect the health and wellness of our students and educators at OSU-CHS. 

Who is required to take this training?

Training is required initially for all those working with biohazards as determined by the principal investigator/supervisor. Refresher training is required every three years. Training may also be required as policy, procedure and equipment changes occur or the principal investigator/supervisor determines there is a need.


Training Instructions

  • Go to
  • New users must click "Register" to obtain a username and password
  • Select Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences as your "Organization Affiliation" and click continue
  • Enter your personal information (first name, last name, email address) and click continue
  • Create a username, password and select a security question and click continue
  • Enter Country of Residence and click continue
  • Select "No" regarding the option to receive Continuing Education Unit Credit for Completed Courses", respond to the CITI contact questions and click continue
  • Answer the questions requested by Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences. For the "courses planned to take" question, select the course you were instructed to take and click continue
  • Go to Question 8 and select your relevant role
  • Click complete registration to return to main menu
  • Click finalize registration
  • You will see a list of the course in which you are enrolled
  • Select the course you are ready to take
  • Select “Complete the Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course”
  • Select “I agree” and click “Submit.
  • Complete required modules and associated quizzes

Adding a Course

  • After logging in, select 'View Courses" next to Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
  • Scroll down to Learner Tools for Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences and select "Add a Course"
  • Go to Question 8 and select your relevant role
  • Click Submit
  • The course should be added to the Institutional home page

You will have the opportunity to print a certificate upon completion of the training course and exam. CITI will automatically notify the Office of Research of completion results. Please save, print your completion report and keep a copy for your records.


Related Policies and Information

Training Contacts

Name Title Contact
Amber Hood, M.S., CPIA, CIP Director, Regulatory Compliance and Research Facilities
Rebecca Crandell, M.S., RSO Assistant Director, Research Compliance