OSU-CHS Medical Student Training
At OSU-CHS we pride ourselves on providing an enlightening college experience, which demands a safe and healthy student environment. To that end, we require that you view Title IX Rights and Protections, an online interpersonal violence prevention program from Vector LMS. This video-based program will provide critical information about Consent, Bystander Intervention, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and much more. Title IX Rights and Protections will help you better understand how vitally important these issues are and what you can do to help make your campus safer.
Program Instructions
You are required to complete the online training program by November 30 of this year. You are required to earn at least an 80% on the program, which will prompt you to retake the post-test until you achieve this score. The program also will allow you to review the program videos before you retake the post-test. Please note, failure to complete the program will result in a hold placed on your bursar account. You will not be able to enroll in courses until this training has been completed.
To complete the training follow these steps:
- Go to: https://osuchsstudents-ok.safecolleges.com
- Log-in with your O-Key short name
You will be able to use the same link to re-enter the program to complete it in several sittings if you choose without having to start over. If you run into problems taking or reentering the program, do not start over. Contact us through the HELP button and we will assist you.
You will retain access to the programs until at least May 31 of next year for reference purposes.
If at any time you have general questions or concerns regarding the program requirements, please contact Angela Bacon, Interim Assistant Dean of Campus Life and Wellness for OSU-CHS. If you have any technical difficulties with the program, please contact Vector Solutions through the program HELP button.
The training contains sensitive material involving sexual and interpersonal violence. While trigger warnings and resources are provided throughout the program, we understand such programming may be problematic for some viewers. Please contact Angela Bacon at 918-561-1950 or email chssco@okstate.edu for confidential support and/or to discuss alternatives.
We thank you in advance for your diligent participation in this critical program. Through the Vector LMS programs and our other campus efforts and resources, we are becoming a nationwide model for a safer campus.