OSU Residency Audition
OSU Medical Center is one the nation’s largest osteopathic teaching facility. It is home to 11 residency programs and nine fellowship programs.
Elective rotations are available to medical students meeting the minimum requirements in the following programs:
- Anesthesiology
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Emergency Medicine
- Family Medicine
- General Surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Otolaryngology
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry
Application Process
Students must complete the Visiting Student Application for Elective Rotation. If activation date is listed, no applications received before this date will be considered. All required documentation must be submitted before a student’s application can be considered complete.
Student | Link |
Rural/Tribal/Urban Medical Track students | Apply Now |
OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine students | Apply Now |
Out-of-state students | Apply Now |
Each individual department may require additional documentation to apply for a rotation, as well as minimum core competencies that must be met to be approved. Once the application is complete, it will be reviewed by the individual department and either approved or denied based on minimum requirements set by each program. The student will be contacted by email with the scheduled dates of his/her rotation, or with an explanation of why their application was denied.
Applicants must have completed compliance training in the following areas:
- Universal Precautions/BBP
- TB skin test
- Mask fitting
Applicants must provide a letter of good standing from their school with the following information:
- Student’s name and classification
- Declaration of good standing
- Expected date of graduation
- Declaration of each ACLS/BLS certification
- Authorization to take requested elective
- Student will be given credit for requested elective
- Student requirement for personal health insurance
- Student completion of HIPAA, BBP and mask fit training
Applicants also need to submit the following documentation with their applications:
- Letter of good standing (as described above)
- Current CV and photo
- Immunization verification form
- Background check report
- Certificate of malpractice liability coverage
- Proof of health insurance coverage
- 10 panel drug screen report
- HIPAA/BBP training certificates
Elective Rotation Minimum Requirements
Anesthesiology -
- Pass COMLEX Level 1 on first attempt
- Pass COMLEX Level 2 on first attempt with a minimum score of 550
- Class Rank top 50%
- Letter of intent (350 word limit telling why you are interested in rotating with the OSU Anesthesiology Program and what personal strength makes you an excellent candidate four our residency program)
Diagnostic Radiology -
- No minimum requirements or additional documentation
Emergency Medicine -
- 4- week rotations only
- Class Rank
Family Medicine -
- No minimum requirements or additional documentation
General Surgery -
- Pass COMLEX Level 1 on first attempt
- Letter of intent: Why would you like to do an OSU General Surgery rotation? Why would you choose Surgery as a career? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses? (350 word limit)
Internal Medicine -
- Pass COMLEX Level 1 on first attempt
- GPA (recommended at or above 3.0)
- Pass COMLEX Level 1 on first attempt
- COVID Vaccination and Booster (if applicable)
Orthopedic Surgery -
- 4 Week Rotations Only
- Pass COMLEX Level 1 on First Attempt
- GPA, Transcript, or Class Rank
- A Letter of Recommendation from an Orthopedic Surgeon
- Letter of Interest
- Why did you choose Orthopedic Surgery, and how do you feel our program aligns with your goals in Orthopedics?
- Briefly tell us about your research
Otolaryngology -
- COMLEX Level 1 first time pass
- ENT applicants will rotate at OSUMC, Ascension St. John Medical Center, Hillcrest Medical Center, UPC, and Tulsa Spine. If approved for an audition, there will be required applications and onboarding paperwork for each site.
Pediatrics -
- No minimum requirements or additional documentation
Psychiatry -
- Letter of intent: Why would you like to do an OSU Psychiatry rotation? Why would you choose Psychiatry as a career? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?
Affiliation Agreement
In order for a student to rotate at OSU Medical Center, an affiliation agreement needs to be in place between the OSU Medical Center and the student’s University. To begin the agreement process, please have your school contact us at affiliate.agreements@okstate.edu.
The cost of your rotation will depend on the terms agreed upon in the affiliation agreement between OSU Center for Health Sciences and your school.
Questions? Contact Us
Melissa Goodell: melissa.goodell@okstate.edu