Forensic Psychiatry Echo
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Project ECHO is joining forces with Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Arkansas Department of Human Services to ensure that the courts have access to high quality forensic reports. Individuals with a concern for mental illness are often ordered to have an independent evaluation by the court for a number of reasons. Justice demands that these evaluations and the legal reports that they generate are performed at the highest level of competency.
By utilizing the consultation and education model perfected by Project ECHO, the state agencies responsible for these evaluations will create a consistent high quality product. Participants of the Forensic Psychiatry ECHO will have access to an experienced hub team and peers to assist in answering common questions. The end result ensures a rapid trial process that does not sacrifice quality but instead improves performance.
Registration is closed to the public but interested individuals can use the button to contact the coordinator.