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Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) is an OSU-CHS supported platform to help students, faculty, staff and researchers to manage the results of research efforts, record and document research processes and procedures, and manage digital research data. In this way, research reproducibility, efficiency, collaboration, searchability, and security increases.


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  • What is LabArchives?

    OSU-CHS has purchased an enterprise license for LabArchives electronic lab notebook (ELN) services for use by its faculty, researchers, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students in performing or learning research activities.  LabArchives and their notebook software interface is securely accessible via the internet from anywhere in the world, using modern web browsers on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. LabArchives can be used for both research and teaching. This license is provided at no cost to you. 

    View the LabArchives ELN for Research overview here

  • Who uses LabArchives
    For Instructors

    An instruction platform for laboratory courses where students can submit course work and collaborate. Offers many science-specific features such as calculators, reference material, annotation functions, commenting, collaboration, search, writing functions, template design, customization options.


    For Researchers

    Replace the paper notebook to better monitor, engage and evaluate your teams’ lab work. Easily create, store, share and manage your research data. Interconnect all your lab data and image files to your observations and notes.

  • What are the advantages of using LabArchives?

    Organize your laboratory data 

    If you're like most investigators, you have hundreds or even thousands of files of valuable data that are spread across multiple computers, files, and folders. In addition, you often have several versions of the same information (some of which may be overwritten). With LabArchives, all versions of all of your files are securely stored and easily searched by a wide variety of criteria. You can quickly and easily view an older version of a file, or even view what was changed from one version to another (and which party made that modification).   


    Preserve all your data securely, including all versions of all files 

    LabArchives stores all of your data on a network of redundant servers; your information is far safer on LabArchives than on your local computers or even an institutional server. And far more secure than in a paper notebook.     


    Share information within your laboratory 

    Share selected or all information among your group. Under your control, you may allow individual "read-only" or "read-write" access to specific work, or to the entire notebook.   


    Keep abreast of developments in your lab even when traveling 

    As a lab notebook owner or administrator, you have full rights to view the entire notebook. View any data that has been produced; you can "filter" by an individual, date, or combination. View any data or files from across the globe with the click of the mouse.     


    Collaborate with investigators by sharing selected data 

    Share selected data, entire folders, or your entire notebook with a colleague anywhere in the world. This individual will see only what you want them to see; they may make comments and/or, with your permission, add data to your Notebook.     


    Protect your intellectual property 

    All data is automatically date and time-stamped and stored on the LabArchives server network. This preserves every version of every data entry and provides clear evidence who completed the work and when the work was done.


    Collaborate with investigators by sharing selected data
    Share selected data, entire folders, or your entire notebook with a colleague anywhere in the world. Collaborators on OSU campuses can use O-Key accounts to sign on. Collaborators only see what you want them to see; they may make comments and/or, with your permission, add data to your Notebook.    

  • How do I access LabArchives?

    Using LabArchives website:

    • On the LabArchives Login page:, select Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences from the “Sign in through your institution” dropdown list. View the Guide.


    Using a Mobile device:

  • How do I set up my lab notebook
  • Can I easily upload data from other software into my LabArchives notebook?


    LabArchives Inventory provides lab managers and researchers with an easy-to-use tool to help streamline the organization, usage, tracking, and ordering of inventory items. It is designed to simplify the process of finding and managing inventory. Lab managers can search by item type, location, while also managing order workflow. Highly customizable and convenient tools allow for linking to LabArchives Notebooks, creation of QR codes, and quick lookup of the details of items using a mobile device.


    Inventory is designed to be set up for each lab to mirror the physical storage locations you use along with the items stored and used in your lab. To begin using Inventory in your lab, the person with lab management responsibilities should create the lab account and begin customizing information on Inventory Types and Storage before adding inventory. This person will have the user role of “Lab Manager” and can add other Lab Managers to help with the set up process.


    See Inventory Training Videos for more info

  • Tell me more about the Scheduler module


    LabArchives Scheduler is a calendar and scheduling service for the management and scheduling of laboratory or research equipment, tools, conference rooms, or any other shared resources. It provides a centralized calendar and sign up facility to enable members of an organization to schedule usage of resources.


    Scheduler is highly customizable and includes features that will support social distancing and safe re-opening of labs and other shared spaces. There are two basic roles in Scheduler: Administrator and User. The Administrator(s) set up resources based on the schedule of when those are available, and invite users to reserve resources. Resources can be managed to set buffer times in between reservations, require approval before a reservation can be confirmed, set quotas to limit reservations, and even charge users for their time on a particular piece of equipment. Users can view all their reservations, easily peruse the availability of resources and make new reservations accordingly.


    See Scheduler Training Videos for more info

  • Tell me more about the Inventory module

    Inventory is an easy-to-use tool which streamlines the organization, tracking, and ordering of lab inventory items. Team members can search by item name, type, and location. The system is highly customizable and links to LabArchives Notebooks. It also allows for the creation and printing of QR codes & labels from any PC or mobile device. Add inventory items manually or save time by importing your existing inventory quickly. 

  • Support Resources